Friendly, professional tree crown thinning service competitively priced and local

Crown Thinning is the removal of a proportion of the foliage carrying branches of the tree to effect a reduction in crown density. This allows more light to penetrate the crown and also allows wind to move more freely through the crown, reducing the sail area.

Often trees that have been heavily pruned in the past will throw out a profusion of new growth to compensate for the foliage it has lost. This growth normally results in the crown being very dense with little light penetrating to the ground. Whilst the tree will naturally thin out this growth over the next decade or two, a good tree surgeon can sympathetically thin the crown to expedite the process.

Crown Thinning for Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex
"Cutting and trimming a very high and untidy holly hedge in pouring rain is not something I would want to do – thank heavens we knew who to go to to get it done, properly and cheerfully, as usual! Thank you for your care …"
Michael S